Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wednesday Special - Anemone, the cosplay sin LOL

So this Wednesday's story...

My first cosplays: the horrors LOL
In particular, the Anemone Story *que horror music and high pitched scream*

So when I first started cosplaying, I sewed everything by hand and had no other knowledge of how things should be constructed. Pit, my first cosplay, was literally put together all with safety pins and velcrow LOL xD no sewing anywhere. When I was young, I also made some clothes for stuffed animals, so I kind of had a sense of what to do. First thing I made for myself was this little green vest for my Gardevoir gijinka that no one needs to see LMAO

It wasnt that bad but yea xD so anyways, after that, Anime North 2009 was coming up! Since the first manga I read was Eureka Seven, I really liked Anemone. So I chatted with some friends and we decided we would do our first group cosplay! So I tried my very best to make my Anemone dress....and let me tell you how this monster was made:
-No zipper
-No patterns used
-All sewn by hand
-Glued some pieces to the dress
-Didnt clean finish any edges of a fabric that frays....A LOT
-All the sins of cosplay
Let me also add, and I kid you not, this dress took me about 3-5 min to put on.

This dress was pretty bad, the only thing I was proud about was the Gulliver plush I made!! I STILL WORE IT PROUDLY, with a super vibrant pink that did not match and all!! I had a good day at the con and I actually got 2 photos taken!! For a beginner cosplayer at the time woth a really poopy cosplay, I was surprised people were actually taking my pic!! Anyways, when I got home that night, taking the beast off was the best part. I was with my friends and I had to HULK out of the was too hard to take off!! I was struggling for a bit, then just ripped it off kind of thing! xD So now, this story is the best lesson for me. Its also a great laugh between us xD

If you are REALLY interested in seeing my older cosplays, you cant. :/
Har har you can take a look here:

The moral of this story: make sure you know how to put on the cosplays you make and use patterns of some sort and zippers and a sewing machine xD


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday Special - The Beginning

Well, Its Wednesday!
And I've decided that, on every Wednesday, Im going to share a story about my cosplay life most of you dont know about!

I shall begin!
I started cosplaying in 2008. Before then, I actually hated anime a lot and didnt even want to try watching it! I actually went to Anime North in 2006 with a friend who loved anime. Since I was already at her house that day, I decide sure why not go. When I got there, I told my friend "wow these people who dress up are so weird!!" I was in grade 6 at the time and had no knowledge of the concept of cosplay. Haha xD
In 2008, I became more open minded and took my half-cousin's advice to try watching anime. We were chatting about our love for some characters in Super Smash bros, then she had told me that people at cons dressed up as characters they likes, she also showed me the Caramelldansen and Hare Hare Yukai dances! Since I loved Pit so much, I said if I were to make a costume, I would make him! After that discussion, my life took a big turn! AND LOOK AT ME NOW!!! Im cosplaying left right and center xD It was really funny seeing that change in my life. Before I watched/liked anime, I was still playing video games and watching Hamtaro (I didnt categorize that as anime, just a cute cartoon) and I loved Hello it was a bit odd why I didnt want to watch other anime shows my friends showed me xD

But here is a picture of my very first cosplay from my first convention, which was DotCon. Hehehe I look REALLY different xD

Thanks again to Casey and Christine, for turning me into the anime, cosplaying nerd I am today!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Japan...coming soon!!

So I leave for Japan next month on the 11th!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I planned the whole trip since I've been dreaming about going since grade 9! There are so many things that we are doing and aaahhhhh I JUST CANT WAIT!!

Im still doing some planning but I have most of the schedule already planned out and ready go! Oh, the shopping Im going to do, the clothes Im gonna bring back, THE CUTE THINGS!!!! Aaahhhh!!! I have been saving my money pretty well!! Ive got quite a lot to spend :) MY HARD WORK!! Working 3 jobs this summer just so that I can save save save!!

I started working on my Rosalina cosplay. I decided to make her because she is simple and if I don't have enough time to make Draven, at least I still have something. I plan on making lots of stuffed Luma. I hope to get Rosalina finished before I leave for Japan~! wooo!