Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October is Ending!

Tomorrow is HALLOWEEN!! YAY! :D I am excited! Since I was away in Florida during my intersession week, I wasn't able to make the costume I wanted, but thats ok! Im going to wear my purple galaxy uniform, since I haven't worn it yet! Hopefully it won't rain ><

Speaking of Florida....I HAD A VERY FUN TIME!! Going to Disney and Universal was fun as always! I got to go to 2 Halloween events, one in each park! They were a lot of fun but it was quite cold considering we were in Florida! Oh well! In Disney, I got to dress up as Peter Pan and trick or treat around the park! In Universal, I went in some AWESOME haunted houses!
Here is a photo of my sister and I as Tinker Bell and Peter Pan!

I am still con deprived >< I think I'm going to go to FrostCon. It's only $10, so I will be satisfied! If I go, I'm going to wear Babydoll since I wanna take snow photos! :D Hehe! If it's really too cold out, maybe I'll just make myself a new kigurumi! Probably a pokemon or Animal Crossing character! Now, going on into Pokemon, I have Pokemon X! My party of pokemon rocks >:D hehehe!!
haven't been able to work on cosplay for a while, since I've just been so busy with school!! But hopefully I'll find time :)

Yeaterday, I got my COSMODE magazine with the SnK jacket patterns in it!! Also shows you how to make 3D gear!! MUAHAHA I am all set for my Armin cosplay! :D

Some exciting news...I will be displayung a new collection in November 22nd at York University!!! I AM SO EXCITED ITS GONNA BE FUN! I will not reveal the theme to everyone just yet....hehehehe SECRETS!! Im thinking of giving weekly previews until the fashion show day! Yay!

Ok time to pay attention in class now!!!