Sunday, January 26, 2014

School School School

Well, I am just slowly counting down the days until my next break! Hehehe I really wanna work on my cosplays but while school is happening, I can't really do that. I just recently went to fabricland and got a butt ton of stuff for cosplay and school projects! AND THERE WAS AN AWESOME SALE!! I bought my main fabric for Judgement Kayle at $3.50 A METER!!! AND ITS A 4 WAY STRETCH FABRIC YAAAYYY SALES!!

Anyways LOL I have lots of cosplays to finish!! So I have confirmed my cosplay plans for Costume-Con and Anime North.

Fri - Le Fille Du Fleur (Original Costume)
Sat - Le Fille Du Fleur or Judgement Kayle *if I finish
Sun - Modern Bride of Frankenstein (Original Costume)
Mon - Babydoll

Fri - Armin (Ponyo for a photoshoot?)
Sat - Judgement Kayle
Sun - Armin or Ponyo

My friend is being Ponyo's mom and I will be cosplaying Ponyo!! I am going to help her with her cosplay :)
I really hope I can get started on some things soon!! I know that during my intersession week, I will be on cosplay work drive!!! And my first priority is to start making Kayle's wings!!!! (because I know thats going to take the longest because I have to cut out all those feathers......definitely going to ask for some friends to help cut!!!)
Also, there is a fashion show at York University happening next week, [February 7th @7:00] and its all for cosplay!!!! :D I am going to be wearing my Fille Du Fleur outfit and give it a test run before Costume Con so I can figure out wig and make up and whatnot!

Lately, I've been keeping up with Kill La Kill, Magi, and MY NEW FAVOURITE SPACE DANDY!!!!! :D omgggg I really love that show LMAO I kind of wanna cosplay Dandy...but I have t ofigure out how that would work first xD (too many cosplay ideas, not enough cons!!!!!)

Speaking of enough cons, I have thought about it and probably will only go to Anime North for 1 day next year (not buying a pass) and save up money to travel around and go to other conventions I haven't been to yet (like some in the states!!) I have though about how AN is really just starting to get repetitive and there isn't anything new and exciting other than the J-Rock bands (which are always SUPER AWESOME!!!!) I love the cosplayers, I love the friends I make......but I just find they lack change/additions to their con. Some events that I have been to are fun, and I plan on trying out some new events this year like the Masquerade, Anime North Idol (its just a maybe at the moment), and some more panels....but I think that its safe to say I wont buy a ticket next year and just shmooz around with friends outside hehe!

This year, I won't be going to Atomic Lollipop and any other conventions after Anime North (except for Colossal Con which is currently in the thinking about stage). Reason is so that I can save money to go to Japan in August. While I'm there (well, for the days I have been calculating for), Comiket is happening.....although it isnt really a convention like here, I will go in cosplay an hang around outside for a bit to take photos! I'll bring a light cosplay like Aladdin or Chihiro~! Or maybe even Hamtaro (although thats a kigurumi and I'm sure they don't see that as being in any sort of cosplay). But I definitely wanna try going to Colossal Con this year because IT'S AT A WATER PARK HOTEL AND I JUST THINK THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUUUNN!!!! :D Hurhurhurhur and it's in Ohio which isn't too far and drive-able! Hopefully I can save up some extra money to go! (Maybe I can try selling some stuff/more cosplays) Maybe I should stop buying lolita things LOL even though it's so hard xD (I haven't bought anything for lolita in a while, but I keep browsing and wanting to buy!!! Maybe I should just stop looking.)

I feel I will be able to save up the money I need to do what I want!!! I just have to really keep track of purchases and whatnot!!

Alright!!! I'm off to continue watching Magi! BYYEEE!!

Friday, January 3, 2014



I must say that 2013 was definitely one of the best years I've had for a while!! I got to see my most beloved Japanese singer, Kyary, LIVE!!!, I went on many trips, got the cosplays that I wanted to make finished, meet lots of new friends, and lots more!! There was nothing that I remember that was negative or bad!!! I am very grateful for a wonderful year!!

Now, onto 2014, which will definitely be another wonderful year!! I have lots of goals I want to achieve and projects I want to get done!!
Here is my list for you:

- Save money and go to Japan!!! (either in August or December)
- Upload more videos onto Youtube!!
- Keep dancing to stay in shape! (thankfully this has been a goal I've been able to carry out for a few years now!!) I also want to learn a few more dances this year!
- To continue to spread my optimism and cheer and make people laugh and just generally spread some happiness to friends and those I meet :)
- To hopefully find some sort of connection that will help me succeed with my craft (sewing/designing)

- Cosplays for the year:
The "for sure"s / "in the making"s - Judgement Kayle, Armin, Modern Bride of Frankenstein, Le Fille Du Fleur
The "most likely"s - Mitsuki and Elf
The "will make if I am going to _____ convention" - Vaporeon and San
- My outfit for Kyary's concert in March
- My gift for Kyary

School is starting up again soon....I hope that I wont be too busy with homework!!!! Thankfully, I spent this whole Christmas break spending time with friends, going out, and doing those things I wont be able to do while school is here! I got to see a lot of friends and I am very happy (some of those were friends I havent seen in a very long time!!)

I hope everyone sets up some goals for the year and is able to achieve them!!! You can do it~!! :)