Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas is coming~!

This past weekend, I went to FrostCon for the first time! As expected, it was small...but I DID NOT expect that many people to be there!!!! WAAAYYY too many bodies in the tiny con space! I was cosplaying as Charlotte, which was a lot of fun! I got to have a mini photoshoot with my 2 good friends which was fun~! I only bought 3 buttons xD
I made it official that I probably wont attend any more small cons, and just save up to go to bigger ones instead! (simply because I feel there is nothing fun to do!! No cool events of contests....or cool concerts like Dot Con had *single tear*) I will always attend Anime North as usual~ and then, maybe other cons like Atomic Lollipop because that is a convention that I have a lot of fun at!! (Why? because there seems to be more to do than usual small cons...and FUN things might I Ferris Wheel and contests of sorts)
In 2014, so far, my con list is Costume-Con and Anime North.

Also, next year, I will most likely be attending ColossalCon!! Man, it seems like a lot of fun BECAUSE IT'S IN A BIG WATER PARK HOTEL!!! :D Not only that, but it's only 15 minutes away from Cedar Point! (If you don't know what that is, its a large amusement park with one of the worlds tallest roller coasters!! :D) WOOT WOOT!!! I am very excited!! I just need to recieve the final "ok's from my parents and then ITS GO TIME! So then, that'll mean 3 cons of fun!

The only thing is....well I reaaalllyyy wanna go to Japan (of course) and I was thinking that next year will be the year I go! But...if I keep spending money on cons...I might not have enough >< Next year, I have a line up of things...which involve money spending: Kyary's concert in March (going to make myself an outfit, make Kyary something, and probably buy something from the merch table), April: Costume-Con...4 day convention I don't really know what to expect merch-wise, but I will probably spend about $50....just estimating...I might not even buy anything! May: Florida the first week ...I have to pay for my trip and all the spending money and whatnot (I just need to remind myself NOT TO BUY ANY CLOTHES OR ANYTHING IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!FAUFHASSAIN) xD I say this because my last Florida trip, I spent like $400... >u> dammit clothes. Then the last weekend in May is Anime North, I usually only spend around $50-$100 for the whole weekend (it really just depends on what I find.) But I wont be buying anymore posters for a while because I have too many that are not up on the wall yet xD.
Then, if I go to Colossal Con in June (the first weekend), its in Ohio and it's 4 days long, so I'll have to pay for transportation and hotel...which will probably cost about $500 or so, along with food and spending money.
I was planning to go to Japan in either August or December. Reason....I wanna go to Comiket xD which is another con...meaning I have to have extra spending money for that along with the spending money I will need for all the clothe I want LOL and for food....but mostly clothes xD

Today I've just started working out the pattern pieces for Armin's jacket (which I got from the COSmode Magazine patterns!) I also keep staring at Kayle's materials....and get a little sad LMAO well just because I really want it to look nice....but I still haven't worked on it for a while.

Alrighty, Im gonna get back to work~ Then I shall watch some anime! (I recently started watching Kyoukai no Kanata and it's not that bad! :3)

Thursday, December 12, 2013


HUZZAH!! School is almost done!! I have 1 more exam today and a dress I need to finish for my class tomorrow...then FREEDOM FOR 3 WEEK WOOOTT WOOOTT!!! The dress I am making for class is going o be worn at Costume Con next year! Yay!! It is very flowery themed :) I am very excited!! My plans for the Christmas break: GET COSPLAYS DONE!! And of course try to see some friends too! Dont wanna be a hermit x.x

First thing is to get more progress on Kayle done! I plan on starting more armor pieces as well as cutting out all the feather pieces for her wings. Then, I need to finish the Attack on Titan jackets for me and Francis. Im sure getting those done will only take a day or 2, so thats why I wanna start Kayle first...because god knows how long thats gonna take xD I need to buy some more worbla and wonderflex because I dont have enough! :( Oh well. Maybe I can even use some craft foam in the cosplay! (just so I can save money and maybe it'll be easier to use for some parts.)

Well, now Im just going to laze about at school before my exam (I studied a bit already....its for Adobe Illustrator so its going to be pretty straight forward)

Good luck to me!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lots of Sewing To Do!

This week I have a lot of work to do! Lots of sewing...2 projects for school, a sample for a contest I entered, and 3.5 more things to sew for my fashion show this Friday!! Thankfully I have tomorrow off and I end work at 9 tonight, so I have some time to get things done! My plan: get the fashion show outfit I started finished tonight, then cut the fabric for the next one on the list. Tomorrow, get my sewing class assignment finished as much as I can (then finish the rest at school) and then start the new outfit for the show!

WOO!! Yea lots to do xD
Thankfully I was able to fix Kayle's breastplate yesterday!! No more wrinkly boobs HUZZAH!! But I need to buy more wonderflex and/or worbla since I definitely don't have enough!! During the Christmas Break, WHICH IS SOON!!! :D, Im just going to work on getting my cosplays done/close to being done/you know what I mean xD Good thing my Armin cosplay wont bee too much work (until I need to make the 3D gear!) Hopefully, it'll be easier since I have the magazine and lots of online tutorials to look at.

I started watching Kill La Kill and I definitely wanna do a cosplay!! :) I was told I should do Ryuko's godrobes xD LOL There are also some League characters I wanna cosplay as, like Jynx (since I have her crazy look hehe) But before I start thinking of more ideas, I should concern myself with getting my current cosplays done!

Now I shall go and watch some anime!! :D

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October is Ending!

Tomorrow is HALLOWEEN!! YAY! :D I am excited! Since I was away in Florida during my intersession week, I wasn't able to make the costume I wanted, but thats ok! Im going to wear my purple galaxy uniform, since I haven't worn it yet! Hopefully it won't rain ><

Speaking of Florida....I HAD A VERY FUN TIME!! Going to Disney and Universal was fun as always! I got to go to 2 Halloween events, one in each park! They were a lot of fun but it was quite cold considering we were in Florida! Oh well! In Disney, I got to dress up as Peter Pan and trick or treat around the park! In Universal, I went in some AWESOME haunted houses!
Here is a photo of my sister and I as Tinker Bell and Peter Pan!

I am still con deprived >< I think I'm going to go to FrostCon. It's only $10, so I will be satisfied! If I go, I'm going to wear Babydoll since I wanna take snow photos! :D Hehe! If it's really too cold out, maybe I'll just make myself a new kigurumi! Probably a pokemon or Animal Crossing character! Now, going on into Pokemon, I have Pokemon X! My party of pokemon rocks >:D hehehe!!
haven't been able to work on cosplay for a while, since I've just been so busy with school!! But hopefully I'll find time :)

Yeaterday, I got my COSMODE magazine with the SnK jacket patterns in it!! Also shows you how to make 3D gear!! MUAHAHA I am all set for my Armin cosplay! :D

Some exciting news...I will be displayung a new collection in November 22nd at York University!!! I AM SO EXCITED ITS GONNA BE FUN! I will not reveal the theme to everyone just yet....hehehehe SECRETS!! Im thinking of giving weekly previews until the fashion show day! Yay!

Ok time to pay attention in class now!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Awesome Sock and Tights Collection

Why am I posting this? Simply because I felt like it xD I always have people ask me where I get my tights so I might as well show off my fabulous collection! My socks are from many different places! :D

Lets begin...

Small Socks
Tea cups, bows, and pokadots from Forever 21
Lacy socks from a costume shop.

Mid-Calf and Knee High Socks
Mid-Calf Japanese girl socks from Las Vegas
Picasso's painting knee high socks from the AGO
Knee high Van Gough's Starry Night socks from Boston
Mid-Calf Tabi socks from Epcot in Disney
Coral knee high tights from Charlotte Russe

Continuing Knee Highs
Black and white knee highs...forgot where I got these but I think it was Ardenes

Continuing Knee Highs and Thigh High Socks
Knee high monochromatic socks from Ardenes
Knee high sweets socks from Bodyline
Rainbow striped knee highs from Ardenes
Pink thigh high socks from London, England
Beigh knee high tights from Charlotte Russe

Continuing Thigh Highs
White and Black thigh high tights from a costume shop
Red and white striped thigh high socks from London, England
Light pink thigh highs with bows from Charlotte Russe
Diamond checks and black thigh highs from Ardenes

Keyboard symbols from American Apparel (you cant see the symbols very well)
Gray netted tights received as a gift
Colourful sayings and patterns and comic book tights from London, England

Continuing Tights
Lace tights from Ardenes
Various tattoo tights from eBay
(Cats and Stars, Horoscopes, Bows, and ball jointed knees)

Continuing Tights
Floral print from Forever 21
Candy stripes from New York City (they are Betsey Johnson)
Stripes and chess pieces from Taobao
Solid blue tights from Forever 21
Purple Tights from Winners (They are Betsey Johnson
Kitty cat faces from Taobao
Light pink from Forever 21
Bunny tights from Pacific Mall
Teal tights from Forever 21
Gradient twinkling stars from eBay

Fuzzy Socks
I received them all as gifts. Thy are great for the winter! My favourite is the rainbow bunny ones!

Socks/tights not shown...
Hot pink tights from Winners (they are Betsey Johnson)
Gray over the knee socks with lace from Charlotte Russe
Gray christmas socks with mice received as a gift
Several of the same knee high black tights.

And thats it! I will keep buying more muahahaha!! Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

So little time, so much to do!

Well, my homework is already starting to pile up!! Whaaa! I have lots of pattern drafting work and ho ma gawd....I'm gonna die! Either that or work like a slave!

This semester, we are going to be making quite a few dresses. I figured I might as well make a cosplay somewhere along the line. Maybe someone can give me a suggestion? I have a few ideas...
Calista - The Last Story
Haru's Cat Kingdom Ballgown - The Cat Returns
Or for a super simple idea....
Kiki - Kiki's Delivery Service

I definitely wanna make a cosplay just so that I can have something xD hurdur



But GUHH I wanna go to anime cons before the year is over and get some pics of some cosplays...but Im not sure about the time >< I also have to figure out which costume to make for Disney!! Im not sure whether to be a princess or make a kigurumi of someone. I will have to see!

Ok back to clas now. More updates coming soon!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Starting up with school

So I'm now into my second week of school and this semester is definitely going to be a busy one! I think I'll still be able to fit in some room for cosplay though! The thing is, I now work 3 the performing arts theater, on campus at college (which doesn't really get in the way or stress me), and now I also have an internship for three months! It will be a good learning experience because they do alterations at this I will be able to learn a bit! (the internship is at this small boutique called Champagne and Cupcakes. They sell party dresses as well as do custom dresses! But anyways, I'm going to try my best to get some cosplay work done, even with such a busy schedule!

I am so happy! My coscards came in the mail yesterday and I love the way they turned out! They are easy to read by flipping~! Once I have Kayle and Armin finished, I shall take awesome photos and then make coscards with them on it WOOT!!

I'm not too sure what my next convention will be, since now I doubt Dot Con will be happening. I was thinking maybe I will attend FrostCon. It's only $10 for a ticket, so I figured if I really wanted to go to a con before the year is done, I can go there.

I'm a bit sad because I'm going to miss the Anime North Halloween event again!! I will be in Florida and we will be attending Halloween events there, but it's just too bad cool things are happening while I'm gone xD

Alrighty, I'm going to continue to play Animal Crossing now hehehe!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Summer is almost up!

Whaa I'm a bit sad that summer is almost finished, but I'm also ok with starting school since it's actually enjoyable :)
Anyways, I have decided I will attend Costume-Con 32 in 2014! I am very excited! I'm sure it will be enjoyable. I'm going to try and make a costume that isn't anime related! Something different! I will try to finish Kayle for this con as well because Anime North is one month after Costume-Con! Hopefully I'll be able to finish it! :)

Upcoming cosplays for me:
Armin - Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan
Kayle - League of Legends
and Im going to make one more costume, but not sure of what just yet!

As for the rest of this year, Im thinking of going to only one small con. Im thinking Dot Con...that is IF it is still happening like they said it would.

I hope i can get some cosplay work sone this week before school starts!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Otakuthon 2013

So, this was my first time at Otakuthon...let alone Montreal!!

I had SUCH AN AMAZING TIME! I got to hang out with some great friends for the weekend! We left late Thursday and arrived at our hotel at 1:00am. We didn't go to bed right away though xD Friday, we explored town a bit, ate DELICIOUS POUTINE (mine was cheese free of course because I hate cheese), saw some cute shops, then made our way to the con! Day 1: I forgot to put more money in my wallet after going back to the hotel to change. I had to be a butt and ask my friend for some cash when wanting to buy something (I paid him back as soon as we got back to the hotel though!) The ticket line was pretty big x.x but we made it in within one hour of waiting. It was kind of just a lazy day, UNTIL THE CONCERT :D Moon Stream performed and they were quite awesome! I really enjoyed it! I grabbed the set list off the stage xD hehe! After the concert, one friend and I went to check out the dance...just to see what was going on. We got hit on...the guy tried to persuade us with colourful glow wands!!! IT DIDNT WORK!! WE DONT WANT YOU, WE JUST WANT YOUR LIGHTS!! XD
Day 2: Got up earlier to go sign up for the masquerade, which wasnt as awesome as I thought it would be x,x oh well! I am motivated to make my Kayle cosplay look awesome!! On Saturday, I actually bought everything that I wanted because I stocked up my wallet xD I was able to get Moon Stream's signatures on the set list and the CD I bought!  I think the best part of the day was going to the dance party rave 3:00am LMAO I must say, that was definitely one of the best con experiences I've had!! I had so much fun and there weren't a lot of people and only one guy smelt of B.O.!! WHAT A MIRACLE!! And it wasn't like deathly either! Anyways, there was a circle of people and my friends and I kept running to the middle to show off our MAD DANCE SKILLZ!!! It was just so fun being able to dance and be super silly! I ended up going to sleep at almost 5am and we had to wake up at 8am LMAO
Day 3: Sunday was a lazy day. I went to the awards ceremony for the masquerade, but I didn't win anything. Oh well! It gives me more drive to make Kayle KICK ASS!! Finished some last minute shopping, made some friends, an watched Moon Stream do a mini acoustic performance! After that, we left the con! Got on the train going anywhere because Im just a small town girl. MURHURHUR!! Anyways I had a good sleep on the train. We arrived in Toronto and I said my good byes!!

I bought more things than I did at Anime North! PRINTS, a hand crafted necklace, one of Moon Stream's CD, Kyary buttons, Able Sisters keychains, and...oh thats it! One of my friends bought me a button with a hurdur face on it xD IT LOOKS LIKE ME I SWEAR IT!

All in all, this con was very enjoyable and I would definitely go again!! I look forward to going with the same group of friends next year (if we can go again)
Woot!! What a great weekend!!! A nice way to slowly end off an awesome summer!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Locobu now has a blog!

Hi everyone! I decided to start a blog for Locobu for fun! I will add more text posts here as appose to my facebook page! I'll also add some photos as well!

Hip hip HORAY