Wednesday, December 24, 2014



Hiya everyone~!
To anyone celebrating Christmas, Merry Christmas to you! Today I am celebrating with my family and then we open presents tomorrow morning~ I already got to open one of my presents...WHICH WAS A SERGER!!! I AM SO HAPPY >w<


Today I managed to get some work done on my Draven cosplay! I am so happy that I have a break from work (from 24th-Jan 5th) This will give me SO MUCH TIME TO WORK ON COSPLAY YAY!!

My current cosplays in the works...
Draven [League of Legends]
Rosalina [Super Mario Galaxy]
Aladdin (Special Art Ver.) [Magi]
Sophie [Howl's Moving Castle]

....why did I do this to myself LMAO I said I would only be making Draven, now where the hell did the others decide to come in xD Oh well haha~


So on Monday, I attended the League of Legends Glow Party in Toronto!! I was so happy I decided to go (because going downtown is such a hassle) But I got ma booty up and went....and I regret nothing!! I had such a fun night! It was my first time going to any sort of clubbing sort of event.
They had a cosplay contest (which is kind of the reason that I decided to go, since I spent so much time on Kayle) I entered the contest....AND I ENDED UP WINNING ON OF THE TOP PRIZES, WHICH WAS $100.00 CASH!!!!!!!! LIKE WHAT THE HECK!! I really didnt think I was going to win anything big...I actually just wanted a chance to wear my cosplay!! I was so happy and I am just so grateful! I guess my hard work payed off...literally hardy har har ^^'
Anyways....I also won the dance off LMAOOO which I was just dancing random nonsense but HEY IT WORKED!!!!!! xD I was surprised I could dance that much in Kayle without anything breaking!!!! I left the venue with some monies, a Teemo and Rammus hat....and a smile on my face of course!!
Man what a great night....also met some super cool people too! I cant wait until the next League event...WHEN I HAVE DRAVEN FINISHED >:D MUAHAHAHAA!! You think I am a man? NO...I AM A WOMAN!! hhaha xD Too bad I am not super buff...or have a manlier voice


Some friends and I are planning a small Howl's Moving Castle group for FrostCon at the end of January!! I am so excited! So far we have me as Sophie, Howl and the Witch of the Waste. I can't wait for photos~

Well, I hope everyone enjoys their day! :)


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Time to Update~

Hi everyone~!

So I haven't written anything in a long while. I am working a full time job, a part time job every Thursday and some Saturdays/Sundays, and I had to put the 2nd part time job on hold for a while because I just can't do that much ><

Anyways, I am here and trying my best to stay active on my accounts everywhere xD

So I'll be attending DTAC this coming Sunday (the 14th) I haven't been to anything anime related since the Anime North Halloween event at the JCCC. I was able to borrow a friends Ryuko cosplay, which is super awesome because I really wanted to cosplay as Ryuko (but don't have the time to make it now that I have so many cosplay plans)

I am actually really excited for my Draven cosplay!! I wanna get started soon and thankfully, I think he will be easier than Kayle (I may be wrong though LOL) but...yea!! I wanna re wear Kayle too so I can get some awesome night time photos! But yea, I'm am doing a deal with a friend...I make him a Genderbent Satsuki cosplay while he will make my Draven blades of DOOOOOMMMMM!!! So y'alls better watch out! Hardy har har!

I've been planning way too many cosplays this season....BUT THANKFULLY, I NOW HAVE A SERGER!! Well, I dont have it will be coming BUT I NOW OWN ONE!!!! Oh how wonderful it will be to make cosplays <3 TO MAKE THEM LOOK BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE AND OUT! Praiissseee!

I've also been playing Pokemon Alpha Sapphire....I currently have an awesome team of pokemens!! Woot woot~~! I still have some games that I need to finish though...Im bad at leaving games for a while T.T

Anywhoo I am off to bed, Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wednesday Special - Anemone, the cosplay sin LOL

So this Wednesday's story...

My first cosplays: the horrors LOL
In particular, the Anemone Story *que horror music and high pitched scream*

So when I first started cosplaying, I sewed everything by hand and had no other knowledge of how things should be constructed. Pit, my first cosplay, was literally put together all with safety pins and velcrow LOL xD no sewing anywhere. When I was young, I also made some clothes for stuffed animals, so I kind of had a sense of what to do. First thing I made for myself was this little green vest for my Gardevoir gijinka that no one needs to see LMAO

It wasnt that bad but yea xD so anyways, after that, Anime North 2009 was coming up! Since the first manga I read was Eureka Seven, I really liked Anemone. So I chatted with some friends and we decided we would do our first group cosplay! So I tried my very best to make my Anemone dress....and let me tell you how this monster was made:
-No zipper
-No patterns used
-All sewn by hand
-Glued some pieces to the dress
-Didnt clean finish any edges of a fabric that frays....A LOT
-All the sins of cosplay
Let me also add, and I kid you not, this dress took me about 3-5 min to put on.

This dress was pretty bad, the only thing I was proud about was the Gulliver plush I made!! I STILL WORE IT PROUDLY, with a super vibrant pink that did not match and all!! I had a good day at the con and I actually got 2 photos taken!! For a beginner cosplayer at the time woth a really poopy cosplay, I was surprised people were actually taking my pic!! Anyways, when I got home that night, taking the beast off was the best part. I was with my friends and I had to HULK out of the was too hard to take off!! I was struggling for a bit, then just ripped it off kind of thing! xD So now, this story is the best lesson for me. Its also a great laugh between us xD

If you are REALLY interested in seeing my older cosplays, you cant. :/
Har har you can take a look here:

The moral of this story: make sure you know how to put on the cosplays you make and use patterns of some sort and zippers and a sewing machine xD


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday Special - The Beginning

Well, Its Wednesday!
And I've decided that, on every Wednesday, Im going to share a story about my cosplay life most of you dont know about!

I shall begin!
I started cosplaying in 2008. Before then, I actually hated anime a lot and didnt even want to try watching it! I actually went to Anime North in 2006 with a friend who loved anime. Since I was already at her house that day, I decide sure why not go. When I got there, I told my friend "wow these people who dress up are so weird!!" I was in grade 6 at the time and had no knowledge of the concept of cosplay. Haha xD
In 2008, I became more open minded and took my half-cousin's advice to try watching anime. We were chatting about our love for some characters in Super Smash bros, then she had told me that people at cons dressed up as characters they likes, she also showed me the Caramelldansen and Hare Hare Yukai dances! Since I loved Pit so much, I said if I were to make a costume, I would make him! After that discussion, my life took a big turn! AND LOOK AT ME NOW!!! Im cosplaying left right and center xD It was really funny seeing that change in my life. Before I watched/liked anime, I was still playing video games and watching Hamtaro (I didnt categorize that as anime, just a cute cartoon) and I loved Hello it was a bit odd why I didnt want to watch other anime shows my friends showed me xD

But here is a picture of my very first cosplay from my first convention, which was DotCon. Hehehe I look REALLY different xD

Thanks again to Casey and Christine, for turning me into the anime, cosplaying nerd I am today!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Japan...coming soon!!

So I leave for Japan next month on the 11th!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I planned the whole trip since I've been dreaming about going since grade 9! There are so many things that we are doing and aaahhhhh I JUST CANT WAIT!!

Im still doing some planning but I have most of the schedule already planned out and ready go! Oh, the shopping Im going to do, the clothes Im gonna bring back, THE CUTE THINGS!!!! Aaahhhh!!! I have been saving my money pretty well!! Ive got quite a lot to spend :) MY HARD WORK!! Working 3 jobs this summer just so that I can save save save!!

I started working on my Rosalina cosplay. I decided to make her because she is simple and if I don't have enough time to make Draven, at least I still have something. I plan on making lots of stuffed Luma. I hope to get Rosalina finished before I leave for Japan~! wooo!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Colossal Con 2014

Colossal con is actually so much fun! We took a road trip to Ohio for the con (this is my second american con!) It feels like being on vacation and cosplaying at the same time!! I think I would wanna come here again!
One more day left, but here are the highlighs so far:

- WATER PARK HOTEL!!! We went yesterday and to summarize my night: my butt. LMAO I got bumped around on the water slides, got wedgies, and even hit my butt on a garbage can xD Other than my butt IT WAS AWESOME!

- While cosplaying Boobies waitresses near the outdoor bar area, some guy tried to pick me/us up! X_x He was not part of the con...he came up to us asking what we were dresses as...but he was talking to me...well he was staring at my chest while talking to me x.x then he came back and tried to buy me a drink, then offered to buy the others a drink. OH DEAR We shooed him away xD what a weirdo!

- The In Character contest was lots of fun to watch AND THEN I EVEN GOT TO BE PART OF IT!! Since I am in the states, they nicknamed me Canada xD So because of that I made a stereotypical free health joke after the contestant tried to kill me and everyone laughed! (she was cosplaying a character that is a psycho and also has an ax) She ended up winning 2nd place~ I had a really fun time and people laughed at my jokes! Also had a mini panic attack because I thought I lost my pouch with my con pass, camera, and iPod!!! Thankfully someone gave it to the staff!!

- Tonight is the dance and also karaoke! Hopefully Ill go sing one sing in karaoke then DANCE TIIIMEEE :D

This con is super fun and Im glad I came! :D Hopefully tomorrow Ill be able to take some cute shots of Aladdin in the sandy area!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Anime North 2014

This year's Anime North was much better than last year's in a few ways:

- Staying in the International Plaza instead of Sheraton = easy access, less $$, and free wi-fi
- NO WIND AND NO RAIN!!! The weather was perfect!
- I improved on my cosplay work :) Kayle was a great success!!!
- No sad or bad moments to ruin the con!
- Got to see many friends!!

The only thing I wish is that I hung around certain friends more >< But oh well I shall do that next con!!
Aside from food, I spent a total of $5 on a Space Dandy print LMAO I am trying to save for Japan so I thought I shouldnt spend anything. My friend bought me some awesome tights for my birthday though! :)

I am very happy because I also booked my hotel room for next year at the IP as well!! And this time it's $5 cheaper...and I am pretty sure I am getting a bigger room :D YAY!
I am also thinking ahead as to which cosplay I will make next! I will only be making 1 for me and 1 for Francis.....and I want to work hard to make them look great!

I will probably be going to Ohio for Colossal Con.....and WILL DRESS AS DANDY with my entourage of Boobies waitresses!! ;) hehehehe! I am excited! (Well I want to be him hopefully I can get the wig!!)

Im too tired right now to continue typing LOL good night

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Costume Con 32

This con was pretty good. Friday wasn't so great as today. There were a lot of "how-to" panels which was really neat.
I gotta say, there were SO MANY GREAT COSTUMES!! I commented on a lot of them :)
I got to hang out with some awesome friends, see some friends I havent seen for a while, but I didnt really make any new ones xD;; sadly. I did get to chat with some people though!

It really inspired me to want to make only 1 costume and just work really really hard on it to make it look good. I kind of feel like my work is too rushed all the time and Im trying too hard to make it look nice while leaving things to last minute or whatnot. After Anime North, Im only going to make myself 1 costume....and thats going to be for 2015. It gives me lots of time to think over exactly what I want to make and start the prep work! Itll mean that I'll get it done WAYYYY ahead of whatever con I go to and I will have lots of time to try it on, fix it if needed, and all that jazz. There are so many cosplays that I have dreamed of making, one of those being NiGHTS.....which I think I am going to finally make. NiGHTS was one of the first cosplays I wanted to make, but I felt I obviously was too noob back then xD Now I feel like I've gained enough skill to try!!

I feel my cosplays right now are just too "one-time-use" crafted and I sometimes take a few short cuts here and there to get it done (well actually I havent really been doing that for a while!) But anywasy I have done that and I want to be able to look at my costume and smile and say "Wow I did a really good job on this". I dont really do that. Yea, I am usually happy and proud with the piece I make, but never have I really WOWed myself, nor others.

Lately at cons, I have been entering into the Journeyman devision because I am passed novice and unlike some people, I dont count tiny con awards as a reason to move higher into the divisions. I want to earn my place fair and square. I'm never competitive at con masquerades because I dont even think my work is as spectacular as the other people's....BUT this does not discourage me from entering because at least I have my secret weapon....which is stage presence. I have never really choreographed something before going on stage. Yea I have a general idea of what I want to do before I go up, but I always make stuff up and it seems to work fine for me!

When I go to Comiket in August, I just have to find a cosplay I already have to bring with. Maybe I'll just bring Nausicaa, since she is a well known character and her outfit came out pretty nice~~

I just noticed its 1am LMAO oops xD Maybe I should go to bed xD

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Finally school is over and I am so happy!! Now I just need to wait and see all my grades.

This past week has definitely been an awesome one!!! I won the Student Achievement Award for my program, I've gotten a few emails with potential opportunities, and I've just had some fun with friends! I am very happy and thankful!!

Now that school is over, TIME TO WORK ON COSPLAYS LIKE A MAD WOMAN xD gotta get them all done in time! Next week is Costume Con and I have one costume I need to make, which is Modern Bride of Frankenstein! I also need to keep working on my Anime North cosplays. This coming week, I only have 1 work shift before the con, which gives me some time to get my cosplay work in!

I also have an interview on Wednesday, which could possibly be good...or might not be worth it in the end. I'll have to wait and see~

Right now, I've got something planned for every weekend until June. Aside from possible work shifts, I have Costume Con, Wonderland, Florida, my Birthday, and Anime North. MAN the time...the time...the time. Im glad because I dont have too much cosplay work I need to finish (THANKFULLY because I started early enough!!!!!) Now I just need to get down to business and get them done!!

Today, my friend and I are going to a local cosplay contest! We get to do a mini runway session with photos and posing, then we do our mini skit hehehe I am going to be Aladdin and she is going to be Morgiana!

I'll be on my way now~ Toodaloo

Friday, March 28, 2014

Meet Gooey-Chan

Gooey-Chan is my new mascot!

Where did he come from?
Well, this all started when I was creating some cool t-shirt designs for Kyary's concert. After that was made, I was working in my basement an suddenly got this idea! I put him on paper and drew 2 other versions as well. Then i figured, since I don't have a mascot, why not make it him!

Why is his name Gooey-Chan?
I created the Locobu t-shirt logo with goo underneath, as well as drew goo on my original drawings of him...I figured it fit nicely!

And now a little about Gooey-Chan:
Birthday...March 10th
Likes...Gummy Worms, Messy Food, Triangles
Dislikes...Rain, Country Music, Fishy Foods

Lately, I've been coming up with so many ideas for things to design and sew, fun ways to sell my ideas (how I present them) and where I would like to sell stuff!! And so far, my plans look like they will be successful in time :) I just have to wait of course and keep my ideas flowing. You know what they say...good things come to those who wait! I've been using that motto since I was young :D

Anyways, I hope you will be Gooey-Chan's friend! Stay tuned for some upcoming ideas/projects/etc.!

Monday, March 10, 2014

T Shirt Designs!

Hi everyone! I have recently created some T shirt designs and I am planning on selling some soon!
I would like to hear from you...which design do you like best? :) Please vote on the poll!

**DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT!!! Once the voting is done, I'll be giving away the winning shirt design to one lucky person through a name draw!!**

Here are the designs:
Tiny Monster with Blue Goo
Tiny Monster with Yellow Goo
Ze Pleh

Here are the back views of the shirts:

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Kyary's Concert was SO FUN!!

So I went to Kyary's concert at Sound academy yesterday and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!
But man the sound academy sucks....rude workers and so unorganized!!!!!
Anyways, it was good, no need to complain -w-

        Me and Kyary!!                               Francis and Kyary!!

I gave her 2 gifts (a matching collar and a t shirt with a cool logo design I made)
Francis gave the shirt, since I thought it would be nice if he gave something too.....and he was wearing the matching one! I gave the collar. I put my tag on both, but I didn't give a business card or any sort of letter because I thought...well I wasn't sure if she would actually read it or go take a look.

and now it's time for a very long life story message thing...not really life story but yea xD
I just feel like sharing my thoughts with the world because I am in a positive mood!! I hope you have some time to read it!

I hope that it will be easy for me to achieve my dream. Up until this day, I have had so much negative things happen to me, I won't get into all the details because there is too much, but people who made fun of me, bullied me, or used me because they found my weaknesses and took advantage, people who are simply just rude and inconsiderate or do it because they didn't like me. But I kept trying to work on making myself stronger, learning to ignore or just get used to hearing stupid comments, not work on what people thought of me/ what people want me to be. I know where I wanted to go, I know what I wanted to do, I know who I am, and really, I have grown into someone who now just sets my eyes on the prize!! (I don't let anyone tell me anything negative...I literally just tell them to stop talking or just ignore and pretend I am listening xD) I have really been working on ways to stand up for myself and I think I have really been able grow! I know right now, giving my stuff may not mean anything. Im not famous or well known, but I have to start no where to get somewhere!!!
I don't need to be super famous to be happy, I just want to achieve my dream of becoming a designer and have a good amount of fans ^^ Obviously it would be nice to have a lot of fans, but I don't wanna ask for too much right now. I ask for just this: to slowly become more established as a designer and become recognized by people around me (which is at conventions, or even around town!)
Lately, I have been planning some things! I would like to start selling stuff online! (which is the big news I wanted to announce to my facebook page this weekend!) Maybe people won't care, but it is big news for me because I am actually getting on my feet and trying to create something for myself...and well, for others too! xD For now, I was thinking just t-shirts with my designs and collars. I'll also sell my fashion show stuff, cosplays I don't want anymore, or anything else that I have and want to sell. I have been using Adobe Illustrator a lot lately and I found it so easy to create fun designs for t shirts!

The reason I just had this very large paragraph about my dreams....I just read over how Kyary had a concert dedicated to her new song and held a small graduation ceremony and chose some people from the audience, then gave them some advice about how they can achieve their dream. It's just very inspiring to always here that people, wherever in the world they are, are having fun, giving to others, and taking full advantage of the joy they have while living their dream. I hope that, one day, I can also do this!!! I want to make others happy because that just makes me happy too!
I've also been trying to figure out ways to get my name out there and I am doing my best to make that happen!
I am thinking this will be my plan for now: Start selling things online, and next year, maybe sell at Anime North, and then just see how things go from there!

I wish it were that everyone in the world can do what they dream of, but thats just me talking very cheesy. I hope that everyone finds a path to follow so they can keep walking towards their goal :3 I try my hardest to help my friends with their goals and passions as well!! I want them to be just as successful as I would like to be!! I work as a team with them and ask them whenever I need some help for a fashion show or any other type of event!

Well, now I have to go and clean my room because we've been moving things around because I got new furniture! Bye bye~!

...actually wait...before I go..whoever reads this. I hope that you enjoyed reading it. I hope it brought you some joy. I really appreciate the people who give up a few moments to look at my picture, give me a like, read a journal entry, etc. etc. etc. everything you do really makes me feel happy and I would like to give back by showing my appreciation and thanks!!! If you don't know me on a personal level, I am one to really express my feelings to those around me. I like to fully show my happiness when it is at it's highest level!!
If you read this and thought...I don't know, maybe I am just giving a sob story, or maybe you thought what i wrote was stupid and you think I am strange or want attention...something stupid like that...well thats ok! Thats your own thoughts! You can think whatever you like, but think about this. I am willing to share my thought s with the world, my positive thoughts. This is the secret to living a happy life. Sharing something positive will help to make someone else feel the positive energy. If you don't feel it....maybe you just have gas.....or maybe you just dont have an interest in what I am talking about! (thats ok though! You go find the thing that brings you happiness!)

Ok now I can go :3

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Valentine's Day this week!

WOOT!! Yesterday, the cosplay catwalk at York U yesterday was lots of fun!! I met some new people and got to wear an original design :3 Woohooo~~

This coming Friday is Valentine's Day!! I really love Valentines (even when I was single, I still liked it!) I love all the colours and all the hearts and chocolate!! I love giving gifts to people :D hehehe!! Maybe, if I get 300 likes by Friday, I can have some sort of Valentines give away!!! (ONLY NEED 10 MORE LIKES!!! HURMAGURD!!) I will also be attending a V-day lolita meet up (the week after though) but it will be fun! :D
Urg there are too many lolita things that I want, but I must control because SAVE MONNEEEYYY!!!

Anyways, KYARY'S CONCERT IS FAST APPROACHING!! I have finally decided on a design for the outfit I am going to make (there will be lots of triangles!!) Thankfully I just decided on a design that I actually have fabric for woottt! Just need to figure out what kind of shirt to wear~

On Monday, I am going to be changing my hair colour OOOOO!! I dont know what colour yet BUT SOMETHING FUNKY!! :D Ill also be watching the LEGO movie with Francis YEE!! :D Can't wait!!

Short post is short. I go to sleep now. Good niigghhtttt!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

School School School

Well, I am just slowly counting down the days until my next break! Hehehe I really wanna work on my cosplays but while school is happening, I can't really do that. I just recently went to fabricland and got a butt ton of stuff for cosplay and school projects! AND THERE WAS AN AWESOME SALE!! I bought my main fabric for Judgement Kayle at $3.50 A METER!!! AND ITS A 4 WAY STRETCH FABRIC YAAAYYY SALES!!

Anyways LOL I have lots of cosplays to finish!! So I have confirmed my cosplay plans for Costume-Con and Anime North.

Fri - Le Fille Du Fleur (Original Costume)
Sat - Le Fille Du Fleur or Judgement Kayle *if I finish
Sun - Modern Bride of Frankenstein (Original Costume)
Mon - Babydoll

Fri - Armin (Ponyo for a photoshoot?)
Sat - Judgement Kayle
Sun - Armin or Ponyo

My friend is being Ponyo's mom and I will be cosplaying Ponyo!! I am going to help her with her cosplay :)
I really hope I can get started on some things soon!! I know that during my intersession week, I will be on cosplay work drive!!! And my first priority is to start making Kayle's wings!!!! (because I know thats going to take the longest because I have to cut out all those feathers......definitely going to ask for some friends to help cut!!!)
Also, there is a fashion show at York University happening next week, [February 7th @7:00] and its all for cosplay!!!! :D I am going to be wearing my Fille Du Fleur outfit and give it a test run before Costume Con so I can figure out wig and make up and whatnot!

Lately, I've been keeping up with Kill La Kill, Magi, and MY NEW FAVOURITE SPACE DANDY!!!!! :D omgggg I really love that show LMAO I kind of wanna cosplay Dandy...but I have t ofigure out how that would work first xD (too many cosplay ideas, not enough cons!!!!!)

Speaking of enough cons, I have thought about it and probably will only go to Anime North for 1 day next year (not buying a pass) and save up money to travel around and go to other conventions I haven't been to yet (like some in the states!!) I have though about how AN is really just starting to get repetitive and there isn't anything new and exciting other than the J-Rock bands (which are always SUPER AWESOME!!!!) I love the cosplayers, I love the friends I make......but I just find they lack change/additions to their con. Some events that I have been to are fun, and I plan on trying out some new events this year like the Masquerade, Anime North Idol (its just a maybe at the moment), and some more panels....but I think that its safe to say I wont buy a ticket next year and just shmooz around with friends outside hehe!

This year, I won't be going to Atomic Lollipop and any other conventions after Anime North (except for Colossal Con which is currently in the thinking about stage). Reason is so that I can save money to go to Japan in August. While I'm there (well, for the days I have been calculating for), Comiket is happening.....although it isnt really a convention like here, I will go in cosplay an hang around outside for a bit to take photos! I'll bring a light cosplay like Aladdin or Chihiro~! Or maybe even Hamtaro (although thats a kigurumi and I'm sure they don't see that as being in any sort of cosplay). But I definitely wanna try going to Colossal Con this year because IT'S AT A WATER PARK HOTEL AND I JUST THINK THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUUUNN!!!! :D Hurhurhurhur and it's in Ohio which isn't too far and drive-able! Hopefully I can save up some extra money to go! (Maybe I can try selling some stuff/more cosplays) Maybe I should stop buying lolita things LOL even though it's so hard xD (I haven't bought anything for lolita in a while, but I keep browsing and wanting to buy!!! Maybe I should just stop looking.)

I feel I will be able to save up the money I need to do what I want!!! I just have to really keep track of purchases and whatnot!!

Alright!!! I'm off to continue watching Magi! BYYEEE!!

Friday, January 3, 2014



I must say that 2013 was definitely one of the best years I've had for a while!! I got to see my most beloved Japanese singer, Kyary, LIVE!!!, I went on many trips, got the cosplays that I wanted to make finished, meet lots of new friends, and lots more!! There was nothing that I remember that was negative or bad!!! I am very grateful for a wonderful year!!

Now, onto 2014, which will definitely be another wonderful year!! I have lots of goals I want to achieve and projects I want to get done!!
Here is my list for you:

- Save money and go to Japan!!! (either in August or December)
- Upload more videos onto Youtube!!
- Keep dancing to stay in shape! (thankfully this has been a goal I've been able to carry out for a few years now!!) I also want to learn a few more dances this year!
- To continue to spread my optimism and cheer and make people laugh and just generally spread some happiness to friends and those I meet :)
- To hopefully find some sort of connection that will help me succeed with my craft (sewing/designing)

- Cosplays for the year:
The "for sure"s / "in the making"s - Judgement Kayle, Armin, Modern Bride of Frankenstein, Le Fille Du Fleur
The "most likely"s - Mitsuki and Elf
The "will make if I am going to _____ convention" - Vaporeon and San
- My outfit for Kyary's concert in March
- My gift for Kyary

School is starting up again soon....I hope that I wont be too busy with homework!!!! Thankfully, I spent this whole Christmas break spending time with friends, going out, and doing those things I wont be able to do while school is here! I got to see a lot of friends and I am very happy (some of those were friends I havent seen in a very long time!!)

I hope everyone sets up some goals for the year and is able to achieve them!!! You can do it~!! :)