Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lots of Sewing To Do!

This week I have a lot of work to do! Lots of sewing...2 projects for school, a sample for a contest I entered, and 3.5 more things to sew for my fashion show this Friday!! Thankfully I have tomorrow off and I end work at 9 tonight, so I have some time to get things done! My plan: get the fashion show outfit I started finished tonight, then cut the fabric for the next one on the list. Tomorrow, get my sewing class assignment finished as much as I can (then finish the rest at school) and then start the new outfit for the show!

WOO!! Yea lots to do xD
Thankfully I was able to fix Kayle's breastplate yesterday!! No more wrinkly boobs HUZZAH!! But I need to buy more wonderflex and/or worbla since I definitely don't have enough!! During the Christmas Break, WHICH IS SOON!!! :D, Im just going to work on getting my cosplays done/close to being done/you know what I mean xD Good thing my Armin cosplay wont bee too much work (until I need to make the 3D gear!) Hopefully, it'll be easier since I have the magazine and lots of online tutorials to look at.

I started watching Kill La Kill and I definitely wanna do a cosplay!! :) I was told I should do Ryuko's godrobes xD LOL There are also some League characters I wanna cosplay as, like Jynx (since I have her crazy look hehe) But before I start thinking of more ideas, I should concern myself with getting my current cosplays done!

Now I shall go and watch some anime!! :D