Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas is coming~!

This past weekend, I went to FrostCon for the first time! As expected, it was small...but I DID NOT expect that many people to be there!!!! WAAAYYY too many bodies in the tiny con space! I was cosplaying as Charlotte, which was a lot of fun! I got to have a mini photoshoot with my 2 good friends which was fun~! I only bought 3 buttons xD
I made it official that I probably wont attend any more small cons, and just save up to go to bigger ones instead! (simply because I feel there is nothing fun to do!! No cool events of contests....or cool concerts like Dot Con had *single tear*) I will always attend Anime North as usual~ and then, maybe other cons like Atomic Lollipop because that is a convention that I have a lot of fun at!! (Why? because there seems to be more to do than usual small cons...and FUN things might I Ferris Wheel and contests of sorts)
In 2014, so far, my con list is Costume-Con and Anime North.

Also, next year, I will most likely be attending ColossalCon!! Man, it seems like a lot of fun BECAUSE IT'S IN A BIG WATER PARK HOTEL!!! :D Not only that, but it's only 15 minutes away from Cedar Point! (If you don't know what that is, its a large amusement park with one of the worlds tallest roller coasters!! :D) WOOT WOOT!!! I am very excited!! I just need to recieve the final "ok's from my parents and then ITS GO TIME! So then, that'll mean 3 cons of fun!

The only thing is....well I reaaalllyyy wanna go to Japan (of course) and I was thinking that next year will be the year I go! But...if I keep spending money on cons...I might not have enough >< Next year, I have a line up of things...which involve money spending: Kyary's concert in March (going to make myself an outfit, make Kyary something, and probably buy something from the merch table), April: Costume-Con...4 day convention I don't really know what to expect merch-wise, but I will probably spend about $50....just estimating...I might not even buy anything! May: Florida the first week ...I have to pay for my trip and all the spending money and whatnot (I just need to remind myself NOT TO BUY ANY CLOTHES OR ANYTHING IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!FAUFHASSAIN) xD I say this because my last Florida trip, I spent like $400... >u> dammit clothes. Then the last weekend in May is Anime North, I usually only spend around $50-$100 for the whole weekend (it really just depends on what I find.) But I wont be buying anymore posters for a while because I have too many that are not up on the wall yet xD.
Then, if I go to Colossal Con in June (the first weekend), its in Ohio and it's 4 days long, so I'll have to pay for transportation and hotel...which will probably cost about $500 or so, along with food and spending money.
I was planning to go to Japan in either August or December. Reason....I wanna go to Comiket xD which is another con...meaning I have to have extra spending money for that along with the spending money I will need for all the clothe I want LOL and for food....but mostly clothes xD

Today I've just started working out the pattern pieces for Armin's jacket (which I got from the COSmode Magazine patterns!) I also keep staring at Kayle's materials....and get a little sad LMAO well just because I really want it to look nice....but I still haven't worked on it for a while.

Alrighty, Im gonna get back to work~ Then I shall watch some anime! (I recently started watching Kyoukai no Kanata and it's not that bad! :3)

Thursday, December 12, 2013


HUZZAH!! School is almost done!! I have 1 more exam today and a dress I need to finish for my class tomorrow...then FREEDOM FOR 3 WEEK WOOOTT WOOOTT!!! The dress I am making for class is going o be worn at Costume Con next year! Yay!! It is very flowery themed :) I am very excited!! My plans for the Christmas break: GET COSPLAYS DONE!! And of course try to see some friends too! Dont wanna be a hermit x.x

First thing is to get more progress on Kayle done! I plan on starting more armor pieces as well as cutting out all the feather pieces for her wings. Then, I need to finish the Attack on Titan jackets for me and Francis. Im sure getting those done will only take a day or 2, so thats why I wanna start Kayle first...because god knows how long thats gonna take xD I need to buy some more worbla and wonderflex because I dont have enough! :( Oh well. Maybe I can even use some craft foam in the cosplay! (just so I can save money and maybe it'll be easier to use for some parts.)

Well, now Im just going to laze about at school before my exam (I studied a bit already....its for Adobe Illustrator so its going to be pretty straight forward)

Good luck to me!